2025 Vendor Contract

Submission of the response "I Accept" on the ThriftCon LOS ANGELES COUNTY Vendor application will hereby serve as a signature and agreement by the application's submitting party. 

This is an agreement between ThriftCon™ (hereafter referred to as “Host”) and the signee (hereafter referred to as “Vendor”). The Host will be hosting the following Event “ThriftCon” (hereafter referred to as “Event”) to take place at Fairplex, 1101 W. McKinley Ave. Pomona, CA 91768 (hereafter referred to as “Venue”) between Friday, March 14th through Saturday, March 15th, 2025 from 06:00 AM till 07:00 PM, and has the legal ability to issue a license for concession and vending during the above mentioned Event, and Vendor desires to vend merchandise at and during the above mentioned Event, and has issued the Host a sum of $200 or more for paid booths ($0 for comped) for a license to vend at the Event.

Vendor Information and Agreement

All booths include (3-5) complimentary 'Vendor Passes' to the event, depending on the size of the Vendor's booth (10'x10', 10'x20' or 20'x20'). Booth Location will be assigned at least one week prior to the event. The Host and Vendor parties both agree to the following terms:

1. Vendor will be given time slot access to the Venue on Friday, March 14th between the hours of 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM to set up the Vendor’s booth, goods to be sold, and anything else that is needed and customary to vend. 

2. The booth shall be no smaller than 8'x10' (unless otherwise discussed), and shall be clean and orderly; and shall follow all applicable laws and regulations of the County and State of Event's location.

3. Vendor's staff may exhibit that goods are for sale only while the staff is within the area of the vendor's specified location.

4. Vendors will have access to the location for TWO HOURS following the event to dismantle and remove ALL items brought to the event by the Vendor. Vendor shall leave the location free from trash and in identical condition that it was in before the vendor arrived, or be susceptible to additional charges from Host.

5. Vendor agrees to hold the Host free from any damages or claims that may develop in connection with participating in the Event. 

6. EXHIBIT HOURS - Host shall determine and publicize the exhibit hours the Event will be open to the public during the day of the Event. Vendors will be admitted to the Venue a minimum of two hours prior to Event opening time. Booths will be ready for the installation of exhibits at 10:00 AM Friday, March 14th, 2025 and must be in place no later than 8:30 AM, Saturday, March 15th, 2025. Exhibits must be completely removed from the Venue by 7:00 PM, March 15th, 2025. Host reserves the right to restrict Vendor's participation in future Events if this policy is violated.

7. MERCHANDISE REMOVAL - No merchandise may be removed from the Venue until 5:00 PM, Saturday, March 15th, 2025.


  • a. DISPLAYS - No signs, partitions, apparatus, shelving, etc. may extend more than the Vendors allotted booth size. Vendor will not be permitted to erect signs or display products obstructing the view or disadvantageously affecting the display of other Vendors.
  • b. LIABILITY - The Vendor is entirely responsible for the leased space and ALL of their merchandise. The Host is not responsible for ANY stolen or damaged goods. The Vendor shall not injure, mar or deface the premises. The Vendor shall not drive, nor permit to be driven, any pins, nails, hooks, tacks, or screws in any part of the Venue. Furthermore, Vendor shall not affix to the walls or windows of the Venue any advertisements, signs, etc., or use tape or any other adhesive-type material on painted surfaces. The Vendor agrees to reimburse the Host and/or the Venue for any loss or damage occurring to the premises or equipment.
    Vendor also understands and agrees that Host cannot guarantee attendance, sales or weather and other conditions outside or inside the Venue.
  • c. AISLES – Must be maintained and not blocked or altered by the contents or design of the Vendors booth. This includes chairs, tables, piles or racks in the aisles.
  • d. SPACE - The space contracted for is to be used solely by the Vendor or Vendors whose name(s) appears on the Contract and no portion can be sublet or assigned. Booth Location will be assigned on or before day of the event.
  • e. OPEN FLAMES / HELIUM BALLOONS - No open flames are allowed including candles, torches, burners, incense or other devices which, when used, produces a visible flame capable of igniting ordinary combustible material.
    No helium balloons, glitter or confetti allowed.
  • f. DISPLAY VEHICLES - Vendor must contact the event's vendor manager for approval before entering the venue with any display vehicles. All display vehicles must adhere to local/state/venue regulations.
  • g. INSTALLATIONS - Any special carpentry, wiring, electrical or other work connection shall be installed at Vendor's expense, and in accordance with the Venue's direction.
  • h. RESTRICTIONS - The Host reserves the right to restrict or remove exhibits, without refund, that have been falsely entered, or are deemed by the Host unsuitable or objectionable. This restriction applies to, but is not limited to, noise, P.A. systems, persons, animals, birds, things, conduct, printed matter, or anything of a character that might be objectionable to the Event or the Host.

9. ADA COMPLIANCE - As a vendor at ThriftCon, you are required to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to ensure accessibility for all event attendees. By participating in the event, you agree to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • a. All vendor booths must be designed to allow wheelchair access, including at least a 36-inch wide clear path for navigation and an accessible counter or service area for individuals using mobility aids.
  • b. Tables, displays, and signage must be placed to avoid obstructing accessible pathways.
  • c. Vendors must ensure that all individuals, regardless of ability, are treated equally and provided with the same opportunities to engage with their services or products.
  • d. "No pets or other animals are permitted on Fairplex grounds with the exception of approved guide dogs, signal dogs and service animals (i.e,. dogs and miniature horses)."


11. STORAGE – Aisles and/or open floor space is not to be used as vendor storage. Host is not responsible for lost, stolen, damaged or otherwise misplaced items.

12. CREDENTIALS - All entering the Event during both load in and event day(s) must have appropriate Credentials (Wristbands) and must wear those Credentials while at the Event. Resale, scalping, transferring credentials and use of a counterfeit wristband or other counterfeit credentials is expressly forbidden.

13. TAXES - Sales tax is the responsibility of Vendors to collect according to state laws. It is the vendor's sole responsibility to comply with state laws regarding collecting, reporting and filing of taxes.

14. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES - Vendor and their employees, agents and guests shall not consume any alcoholic beverages except in designated areas. Vendor and their employees, agents and guests shall not consume any alcoholic beverages that were not purchased inside the event at licensed and designated Alcohol Retailers (the "bars"). Violation shall be grounds for removing Vendor and exhibit from the Event without refund.
Vendor also agrees to no unlawful consumption of other illicit drugs (including marijuana) on the event premises. Vaping/tobacco use is also not permitted indoors anywhere at any time.

15. GAMBLING - Vendors will not bring any gambling devices (EX: mystery boxes, dice games, card games and/or dispensing machines etc.) to be used on or near the premises of ThriftCon Events.


  • a. CANCELLATION OF CONTRACT - If this agreement is cancelled by Vendor for any reason, or by Host because of Vendor's default or violation of this agreement, no refund will be issued.
  • aii. TRANSFERAL and REFUND POLICY - Should the Vendor be unable to attend ThriftCon and vend, the Vendor must contact immediately. The vendor SHALL NOT transfer or resell their booth to another party. 
  • b. RIGHTS OF THE HOST IN EVENT EXHIBITION IS NOT HELD: Host shall not be liable for damages or expense incurred by Vendors in the event the Event is delayed, interrupted or not held as scheduled. If for any reason beyond the control of the Host, the Event is not held, Host may retain half of the amount paid by Vendors as is necessary to defray expenses already incurred by the Host.
  • c. INDEMNIFICATION - Vendor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Host, and the Venue from and against any and all claims, damages, losses and expenses including attorneys' fees arising out of or resulting from the activities of the Vendor, or the officers, contractors, licensees, agents, servants, employees, guests, invitees or visitors of the Vendor.
  • e. ATTORNEY'S FEES - If a civil action arises between parties out of this agreement or to enforce any of its provisions, the losing party shall pay the attorney's fees of the prevailing party as trial court may adjudge reasonable. If an appeal is taken from any judgment of the trial court, the losing party shall pay the amount the appellate court shall adjudge reasonable as the prevailing party's attorney's fees on appeal.
  • f. LICENSES - Any and all City, County, State or Federal licenses, inspections or permits required by law of any Vendor in the installation or operation of his or her display shall be obtained by the Vendor at his or her own expense prior to the opening of the Event.
  • g. ASSIGNMENT - Host may sell, assign, or transfer any or all of its rights, benefits, privileges, obligations, or duties under this agreement.

17. MUSIC LICENSING - Vendor shall hold Host harmless for all licensing and enforcing fees for recorded or live music played or performed in their booth space.

18. COMPLETE AGREEMENT - This agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed on by the parties hereto, and no other agreements, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Contract, shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties hereto. Vendors are required to abide by these rules. Please have the main booth contact sign below acknowledging that you have read and understand the rules as outlined. 

Applicable Law

This contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of California, City of Pomona, Los Angeles County and/or any applicable Federal Law.

I hereby release and agree to hold ThriftCon LLC harmless from, and waive on behalf of myself, my heirs, and any personal representatives any and all causes of action, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses and compensation for damage or loss to myself and/or property that may be caused by any act, or failure to act of the event, or that may otherwise arise in any way in connection with any services received from ThriftCon LLC. I understand that this release discharges and ThriftCon LLC from any liability or claim that I, my heirs, or any personal representatives may have against the event with respect to any bodily injury, illness, death, medical treatment, or property damage that may arise from, or in connection to, any services received from ThriftCon LLC. This liability waiver and release extends to the Event together with all owners, partners, and employees.