How To Remove Those Ugly Clothing Pills From Vintage Clothes
Because those nasty little hardened balls of fabric look like trash.
How To Restring Basketball Shorts (And Hoodies) The Easy Way
It's actually a super simple task to replace them when they go missing.
How To Fix a Hole in a Windbreaker Without Sewing Anything
If you've got an iron, Heat n Bond tape and opposable thumbs, you can do this.
You Can Replace That Shiny Piece On Shoelaces, Here's How
It's what the pros call an aglet and it's actually quite easy to do.
How To List, Package and Ship a Vintage Hat the Right Way
These really are the forks in the road that separate amateurs from full-on resellers.
The Easy Way to Wash and Reshape Vintage Hats
A few minutes of work can turn a filthy $0.25 garage sale find into a valuable vintage piece.
How To Replace a Broken Strap on a Snapback Hat
Best way to increase profits? Put in a little bit of effort and make it look like new.
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